Assignments for yeti iCal
List View
- 13:50 – 14:30: Auracast: Breaking Broadcast LE Audio Before It Hits the Shelves @ Saal ZIGZAG ac yeti
- 15:45 – 16:25: Beyond BLE: Cracking Open the Black-Box of RF Microcontrollers @ Saal GLITCH yeti oskar
- 17:35 – 18:15: TETRA Algorithm set B - Can glue mend the burst? @ Saal ZIGZAG nerf yeti
- 13:30 – 14:30: Basics of software publication @ Stage YELL yeti MrBronze
Table View
Date | Starts | Ends | Stage | Session | Collaborators |
2024-12-29 | 13:50 | 14:30 | Saal ZIGZAG | Auracast: Breaking Broadcast LE Audio Before It Hits the Shelves | ac yeti |
2024-12-29 | 15:45 | 16:25 | Saal GLITCH | Beyond BLE: Cracking Open the Black-Box of RF Microcontrollers | yeti oskar |
2024-12-29 | 17:35 | 18:15 | Saal ZIGZAG | TETRA Algorithm set B - Can glue mend the burst? | nerf yeti |
2024-12-30 | 13:30 | 14:30 | Stage YELL | Basics of software publication | yeti MrBronze |