Assignments for Lilotimeline iCal

List View

  1. 20:30 – 21:30: Guardians of the Onion: Ensuring the Health and Resilience of the Tor Network @ Saal ZIGZAG gooniesbro joern Lilotimeline
  1. 15:45 – 16:25: Let's build dodos! How generative AI is upturning the world of synthetic biology and hopelessly overwhelming traditional governance instruments. @ Saal ZIGZAG yote ZTR Lilotimeline
  2. 20:15 – 20:55: Hacking Life: How to decode and manipulate biological cells with AI @ Saal ZIGZAG yote Lilotimeline

Table View

Date Starts Ends Stage Session Collaborators
2024-12-28 20:30 21:30 Saal ZIGZAG Guardians of the Onion: Ensuring the Health and Resilience of the Tor Network gooniesbro joern Lilotimeline
2024-12-29 15:45 16:25 Saal ZIGZAG Let's build dodos! How generative AI is upturning the world of synthetic biology and hopelessly overwhelming traditional governance instruments. yote ZTR Lilotimeline
2024-12-29 20:15 20:55 Saal ZIGZAG Hacking Life: How to decode and manipulate biological cells with AI yote Lilotimeline