Assignments for catscradle iCal

List View

  1. 16:00 – 17:00: Investigating the Iridium Satellite Network @ Saal 1 dawgctor edson catscradle
  1. 13:30 – 14:30: From Pegasus to Predator - The evolution of Commercial Spyware on iOS @ Saal GLITCH mrcoffee catscradle edson
  2. 20:30 – 21:30: Guardians of the Onion: Ensuring the Health and Resilience of the Tor Network @ Saal ZIGZAG edson catscradle
  1. 12:00 – 12:40: Moving with feelings: Behind the scenes of a one man show mobile & fiber operator in Spain @ Saal ZIGZAG catscradle bella_who
  2. 15:45 – 16:25: Philosophical, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Brain-Computer Interfaces @ Saal GLITCH catscradle bella_who mrcoffee

Table View

Date Starts Ends Stage Session Collaborators
2024-12-27 16:00 17:00 Saal 1 Investigating the Iridium Satellite Network dawgctor edson catscradle
2024-12-28 13:30 14:30 Saal GLITCH From Pegasus to Predator - The evolution of Commercial Spyware on iOS mrcoffee catscradle edson
2024-12-28 20:30 21:30 Saal ZIGZAG Guardians of the Onion: Ensuring the Health and Resilience of the Tor Network edson catscradle
2024-12-30 12:00 12:40 Saal ZIGZAG Moving with feelings: Behind the scenes of a one man show mobile & fiber operator in Spain catscradle bella_who
2024-12-30 15:45 16:25 Saal GLITCH Philosophical, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Brain-Computer Interfaces catscradle bella_who mrcoffee