Assignments for hoedur iCal

List View

  1. 12:00 – 12:40: ACE up the sleeve: Hacking into Apple's new USB-C Controller @ Saal GLITCH Senana lucas hoedur
  2. 14:45 – 15:45: Demystifying Common Microcontroller Debug Protocols @ Saal GLITCH flo_h pharmafirma hoedur
  1. 13:30 – 14:30: A fully free BIOS with GNU Boot @ Stage YELL hoedur stb
  2. 20:15 – 20:55: Ultrawide archaeology on Android native libraries @ Saal GLITCH pinkdispatcher hoedur

Table View

Date Starts Ends Stage Session Collaborators
2024-12-27 12:00 12:40 Saal GLITCH ACE up the sleeve: Hacking into Apple's new USB-C Controller Senana lucas hoedur
2024-12-27 14:45 15:45 Saal GLITCH Demystifying Common Microcontroller Debug Protocols flo_h pharmafirma hoedur
2024-12-29 13:30 14:30 Stage YELL A fully free BIOS with GNU Boot hoedur stb
2024-12-29 20:15 20:55 Saal GLITCH Ultrawide archaeology on Android native libraries pinkdispatcher hoedur