Assignments for lucas iCal
List View
- 11:00 – 11:40: libobscura: Cameras are difficult @ Saal GLITCH os10000 lucas
- 12:00 – 12:40: ACE up the sleeve: Hacking into Apple's new USB-C Controller @ Saal GLITCH Senana lucas hoedur
- 19:15 – 19:55: Rollstuhlgerechte Toiletten @ Stage YELL ZTR lucas
- 20:15 – 20:55: Spatial Interrogations Or the Color of the Sky @ Saal ZIGZAG lucas Fnoerd
- 23:50 – 00:50: Operation Mindfuck Vol. 7 @ Stage YELL waffle lucas
- 11:00 – 11:40: Opt Green: Coordinating a Windows 10-to-Linux upcycling campaign across Free Software communities worldwide @ Stage YELL cv lucas ninarckln
- 12:00 – 12:40: Transitous - offener Routingdienst für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel @ Stage YELL ninarckln lucas fnci
- 20:15 – 20:55: Einstieg in den Amateurfunk @ Stage YELL pinkdispatcher lucas
- 23:00 – 23:40: Hacking Disasters - eine Bastelanleitung für die Chaos-Community @ Stage YELL Swansong lucas
- 23:55 – 00:35: Die Faszination des echten Kugelspiels @ Saal GLITCH lucas frostvirus
- 00:55 – 01:35: Kein Spaß am Gerät auf 'nem toten Planet(en)! @ Saal ZIGZAG kitzune lucas
- 15:45 – 16:25: we made a globally distributed DNS network for shits and giggles @ Stage HUFF itbane lucas
- 20:15 – 20:55: Das IFG ist tot – Best of Informationsfreiheit, Gefangenenbefreiung & Machtübernahmen @ Saal 1 Swansong lucas
- 00:15 – 00:55: Mal was mit Holz @ Saal GLITCH phmy lucas
- 11:00 – 11:40: Mit OpenType ein X für ein U vormachen @ Stage HUFF lucas gooniesbro
- 13:50 – 14:30: From Convenience to Contagion: The Libarchive Vulnerabilities Lurking in Windows 11 @ Saal ZIGZAG phmy lucas
- 14:45 – 15:25: corebooting Intel-based systems @ Saal ZIGZAG joho lucas
Table View
Date | Starts | Ends | Stage | Session | Collaborators |
2024-12-27 | 11:00 | 11:40 | Saal GLITCH | libobscura: Cameras are difficult | os10000 lucas |
2024-12-27 | 12:00 | 12:40 | Saal GLITCH | ACE up the sleeve: Hacking into Apple's new USB-C Controller | Senana lucas hoedur |
2024-12-27 | 19:15 | 19:55 | Stage YELL | Rollstuhlgerechte Toiletten | ZTR lucas |
2024-12-27 | 20:15 | 20:55 | Saal ZIGZAG | Spatial Interrogations Or the Color of the Sky | lucas Fnoerd |
2024-12-27 | 23:50 | 00:50 | Stage YELL | Operation Mindfuck Vol. 7 | waffle lucas |
2024-12-28 | 11:00 | 11:40 | Stage YELL | Opt Green: Coordinating a Windows 10-to-Linux upcycling campaign across Free Software communities worldwide | cv lucas ninarckln |
2024-12-28 | 12:00 | 12:40 | Stage YELL | Transitous - offener Routingdienst für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel | ninarckln lucas fnci |
2024-12-28 | 20:15 | 20:55 | Stage YELL | Einstieg in den Amateurfunk | pinkdispatcher lucas |
2024-12-28 | 23:00 | 23:40 | Stage YELL | Hacking Disasters - eine Bastelanleitung für die Chaos-Community | Swansong lucas |
2024-12-28 | 23:55 | 00:35 | Saal GLITCH | Die Faszination des echten Kugelspiels | lucas frostvirus |
2024-12-29 | 00:55 | 01:35 | Saal ZIGZAG | Kein Spaß am Gerät auf 'nem toten Planet(en)! | kitzune lucas |
2024-12-29 | 15:45 | 16:25 | Stage HUFF | we made a globally distributed DNS network for shits and giggles | itbane lucas |
2024-12-29 | 20:15 | 20:55 | Saal 1 | Das IFG ist tot – Best of Informationsfreiheit, Gefangenenbefreiung & Machtübernahmen | Swansong lucas |
2024-12-30 | 00:15 | 00:55 | Saal GLITCH | Mal was mit Holz | phmy lucas |
2024-12-30 | 11:00 | 11:40 | Stage HUFF | Mit OpenType ein X für ein U vormachen | lucas gooniesbro |
2024-12-30 | 13:50 | 14:30 | Saal ZIGZAG | From Convenience to Contagion: The Libarchive Vulnerabilities Lurking in Windows 11 | phmy lucas |
2024-12-30 | 14:45 | 15:25 | Saal ZIGZAG | corebooting Intel-based systems | joho lucas |