Assignments for cv iCal

List View

  1. 11:00 – 11:40: Breaking the Mirror – A Look at Apple’s New iPhone Remote Control Feature @ Stage YELL cv oskar
  2. 17:15 – 17:55: From fault injection to RCE: Analyzing a Bluetooth tracker @ Saal ZIGZAG Gina cv ac
  3. 21:10 – 21:50: A dive into DNS @ Stage HUFF cv gooniesbro
  1. 00:15 – 00:55: Blåmba! ☎️ Behind the scenes of a 2000s-style ringtone provider @ Saal GLITCH cv Kaste
  2. 11:00 – 11:40: Opt Green: Coordinating a Windows 10-to-Linux upcycling campaign across Free Software communities worldwide @ Stage YELL cv lucas ninarckln
  3. 19:15 – 20:15: The master key @ Saal ZIGZAG gooniesbro cv
  1. 01:10 – 01:50: Illegal Infrastructure: 12 years of hosting in the greyzone @ Stage YELL joho cv
  2. 14:45 – 15:45: The whois protocol for internet routing policy, or how plaintext retrieved over TCP/43 ends up in router configurations @ Stage YELL cv kwiii
  3. 16:40 – 17:20: Vulnerability management with DefectDojo @ Stage HUFF phmy cv
  1. 00:50 – 01:30: OMG WTF SSO - A beginner's guide to SSO (mis)configuration @ Stage HUFF SimplySayM cv
  2. 14:45 – 15:25: Find My * 101 @ Saal 1 hds cv

Table View

Date Starts Ends Stage Session Collaborators
2024-12-27 11:00 11:40 Stage YELL Breaking the Mirror – A Look at Apple’s New iPhone Remote Control Feature cv oskar
2024-12-27 17:15 17:55 Saal ZIGZAG From fault injection to RCE: Analyzing a Bluetooth tracker Gina cv ac
2024-12-27 21:10 21:50 Stage HUFF A dive into DNS cv gooniesbro
2024-12-28 00:15 00:55 Saal GLITCH Blåmba! ☎️ Behind the scenes of a 2000s-style ringtone provider cv Kaste
2024-12-28 11:00 11:40 Stage YELL Opt Green: Coordinating a Windows 10-to-Linux upcycling campaign across Free Software communities worldwide cv lucas ninarckln
2024-12-28 19:15 20:15 Saal ZIGZAG The master key gooniesbro cv
2024-12-29 01:10 01:50 Stage YELL Illegal Infrastructure: 12 years of hosting in the greyzone joho cv
2024-12-29 14:45 15:45 Stage YELL The whois protocol for internet routing policy, or how plaintext retrieved over TCP/43 ends up in router configurations cv kwiii
2024-12-29 16:40 17:20 Stage HUFF Vulnerability management with DefectDojo phmy cv
2024-12-30 00:50 01:30 Stage HUFF OMG WTF SSO - A beginner's guide to SSO (mis)configuration SimplySayM cv
2024-12-30 14:45 15:25 Saal 1 Find My * 101 hds cv