Assignments for itbane iCal

List View

  1. 14:45 – 15:25: BinDa, die flexible Anwesenheitserfassung für Schulen @ Stage YELL itbane os10000
  2. 16:00 – 17:00: Reverse engineering U-Boot for fun and profit @ Stage HUFF itbane hds
  3. 21:10 – 21:50: Was macht ein IT-Systemadministrator in einem Alu-Schmelzwerk (Schafft die Deutsche Industrie die Digitalisierung) @ Saal ZIGZAG itbane oskar
  1. 01:10 – 02:40: Fnord-Nachrichtenrückblick 2024 @ Saal 1 itbane pharmafirma nerf
  2. 11:00 – 13:00: Lightning Talks Day 2 @ Saal GLITCH B itbane SimplySayM ningwie
  3. 14:45 – 15:45: Navigating the grey @ Stage YELL sirenensang itbane
  4. 16:00 – 17:00: Der Schlüssel zur COMpromittierung: Local Privilege Escalation Schwachstellen in AV/EDRs @ Stage YELL itbane kwiii
  5. 21:45 – 22:45: RadioMining - Playlist-Scraping und Analyse @ Saal GLITCH itbane sebalis lunjius
  6. 23:55 – 00:55: Open, Large, and Complex: Managing a 3,500 m² *space with 400+ Members @ Stage YELL joho itbane
  1. 11:00 – 13:00: Lightning Talks Tag 3 @ Stage HUFF B kwiii itbane
  2. 15:45 – 16:25: we made a globally distributed DNS network for shits and giggles @ Stage HUFF itbane lucas
  1. 11:00 – 11:40: From Simulation to Tenant Takeover @ Saal 1 itbane tribut
  2. 14:45 – 15:25: Observability is just Contextualized Monitoring. Change my mind. @ Stage HUFF itbane MrBronze

Table View

Date Starts Ends Stage Session Collaborators
2024-12-27 14:45 15:25 Stage YELL BinDa, die flexible Anwesenheitserfassung für Schulen itbane os10000
2024-12-27 16:00 17:00 Stage HUFF Reverse engineering U-Boot for fun and profit itbane hds
2024-12-27 21:10 21:50 Saal ZIGZAG Was macht ein IT-Systemadministrator in einem Alu-Schmelzwerk (Schafft die Deutsche Industrie die Digitalisierung) itbane oskar
2024-12-28 01:10 02:40 Saal 1 Fnord-Nachrichtenrückblick 2024 itbane pharmafirma nerf
2024-12-28 11:00 13:00 Saal GLITCH Lightning Talks Day 2 B itbane SimplySayM ningwie
2024-12-28 14:45 15:45 Stage YELL Navigating the grey sirenensang itbane
2024-12-28 16:00 17:00 Stage YELL Der Schlüssel zur COMpromittierung: Local Privilege Escalation Schwachstellen in AV/EDRs itbane kwiii
2024-12-28 21:45 22:45 Saal GLITCH RadioMining - Playlist-Scraping und Analyse itbane sebalis lunjius
2024-12-28 23:55 00:55 Stage YELL Open, Large, and Complex: Managing a 3,500 m² *space with 400+ Members joho itbane
2024-12-29 11:00 13:00 Stage HUFF Lightning Talks Tag 3 B kwiii itbane
2024-12-29 15:45 16:25 Stage HUFF we made a globally distributed DNS network for shits and giggles itbane lucas
2024-12-30 11:00 11:40 Saal 1 From Simulation to Tenant Takeover itbane tribut
2024-12-30 14:45 15:25 Stage HUFF Observability is just Contextualized Monitoring. Change my mind. itbane MrBronze