Assignments for Gina iCal

List View

  1. 12:15 – 13:15: sixos: a nix os without systemd @ Stage HUFF pinkdispatcher Gina
  2. 17:15 – 17:55: From fault injection to RCE: Analyzing a Bluetooth tracker @ Saal ZIGZAG Gina cv ac
  3. 19:00 – 22:00: Standby Shift @ C3Lingo Standby Gina
  1. 00:50 – 01:30: Reticulum: Unstoppable Networks for The People @ Stage HUFF Gina phmy
  2. 12:55 – 13:35: Erpressung aus dem Internet - auf den Spuren der Cybermafia @ Saal 1 snakey Gina kythra
  3. 18:00 – 19:00: General Angel Meeting @ C3Lingo Service Gina
  4. 20:30 – 21:30: Fake-Shops von der Stange: BogusBazaar @ Saal 1 Gina snakey
  1. 12:55 – 13:35: Databroker Files: Wie uns Apps und Datenhändler der Massenüberwachung ausliefern @ Saal 1 Gina frostvirus
  2. 14:15 – 18:15: Standby Shift @ C3Lingo Standby Gina
  1. 12:00 – 12:40: Ten Years of Rowhammer: A Retrospect (and Path to the Future) @ Saal 1 joho Gina

Table View

Date Starts Ends Stage Session Collaborators
2024-12-27 12:15 13:15 Stage HUFF sixos: a nix os without systemd pinkdispatcher Gina
2024-12-27 17:15 17:55 Saal ZIGZAG From fault injection to RCE: Analyzing a Bluetooth tracker Gina cv ac
2024-12-27 19:00 22:00 C3Lingo Standby Standby Shift Gina
2024-12-28 00:50 01:30 Stage HUFF Reticulum: Unstoppable Networks for The People Gina phmy
2024-12-28 12:55 13:35 Saal 1 Erpressung aus dem Internet - auf den Spuren der Cybermafia snakey Gina kythra
2024-12-28 18:00 19:00 C3Lingo Service General Angel Meeting Gina
2024-12-28 20:30 21:30 Saal 1 Fake-Shops von der Stange: BogusBazaar Gina snakey
2024-12-29 12:55 13:35 Saal 1 Databroker Files: Wie uns Apps und Datenhändler der Massenüberwachung ausliefern Gina frostvirus
2024-12-29 14:15 18:15 C3Lingo Standby Standby Shift Gina
2024-12-30 12:00 12:40 Saal 1 Ten Years of Rowhammer: A Retrospect (and Path to the Future) joho Gina